Case for the heart

   An international team of scientists has created an implantable soft robot, which is able to encircle the heart in patients with heart failure and contribute to its reduction. Article dedicated to the development, was published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

   As explained by N + 1 for heart failure myocardium of the left ventricle is not able to provide full blood flow and blood flow to organs and tissues. retin cream 025 In severe cases, in order to maintain the circulatory use auxiliary implantable pumps that pumped some of the blood, unloading the left ventricle. Such devices require continuous monitoring and need to receive anticoagulants to prevent blood clotting. vermox 100

   Scientists developed robot-silicone "Case" coated biocompatible hydrogel does not have these drawbacks since no contact with blood. It fits snugly heart and two layers of pneumatic artificial muscles are inside it. As the fibers of the myocardium, the inner layer actuators are arranged circularly, and external - spiral. Their simultaneous contraction causes compression and twisting of the robot, which follows the natural movement of the heart. vigora red tab

  Robot Actuators hoses connected to an external pump, and the whole system controlled by a programmable algorithm which synchronizes the actuator with contractions of the heart ECG or blood flow in the aorta.