Reducing calories slows aging
Development tools, anti-aging, is engaged in multi-billion dollar industry, but these funds work mainly at the skin level. This aging is much deeper - at the cellular level, and the researchers from Brigham Young University (Brigham Young University) found that diet may slow its reduction.
An article about this, they published in Molecular & Cellular Proteomics Journal. The researchers found that when the ribosome - protein producers - slow down its work, the aging process is also slowed down. protein production speed becomes smaller, but the ribosomes are able to "maintenance" - they have an extra time out to recover.
Senior author of the study, professor of biochemistry John Price (John Price) called the elements of the complex system of cells and compared them with cars. ( retin a cream ) When tires are cleared, he said, the owner of the car does not throw it, but simply change what is necessary. Similarly it is going to ribosomes.
Experiments on mice have shown that the slow work of ribosomes decrease caloric food intake. Prof. Price and his colleagues watched two groups of mice, one of which ate the same thing as always, and the other reduced caloric intake by 35%, while retaining all the nutrients.
The head of the group said that the relationship between the amount of calorie intake and life expectancy was almost linear, and that a change in diet really slow down the aging process in laboratory animals, causing biochemical changes in their bodies. Team John Pryce - is not the first who proved that between calorie food and life expectancy there is a connection, but the first, which showed that the decrease in calories slows the synthesis of proteins. The researchers also reported that mice which were kept on a low calorie diet, less likely to suffer from disease, were more energetic and stay young longer.
Ribosomes cost dearly body. To produce all the necessary proteins, they use 10-20% of cell energy. When the ribosome starts to work, "cheaper" for the body worse than give it to recover so that it can make proteins more than bring the situation to the destruction of a valuable item.