Author of the Spawn comic book movie promises to reboot

  The author of the comic book Spawn Todd MakFarlin still hopes to return his beloved hero to the big screen. In the latest interview on channel AMC creator of the original comic book he said that a new "Spawn" will not continue, and reboot.

  MakFarlin says Spawn back almost ten years, since 2007. As the work progresses with the script, Todd announced him as a sinister and scary "adult" movie for an audience that likes to "The Departed" (whatever that means). Later, the author plans have changed slightly: MakFarlin decided that he wanted to make a movie without expensive special effects piling up, most horror-thriller than the current recension supergeroicheskogo genre. In 2013, seems to be an agreement was reached with a kind of "Oscar-winning" actor (said they might be Jamie Foxx), a year later Marfarlin finally announced to the world that he finished work on the script, and even took the liberty to say that in 2016 th will begin shooting.

  Now MakFarlin says that mercilessly cut its 183-page script (one printed sheet is approximately equal to minute of screen time), so as not to scare off the producers, who generally prefer to deal with the 120-page works. He said he intends to stop when usushit text up to 140 pages. The agenda remains the same: a new "Spawn" is realistic, gloomy, scary, zaboristye and, of course, with the rolling rated R.