Bryan Cranston superhero

   Do you dream of seeing a star of the series "Breaking Bad," Bryan Cranston in some of Hollywood superhero movies? The actor had already thought about it and in a recent interview with AMC called the names of the three notorious characters in comics, which he could play.

   First Cranston mentioned that it is preferable to embody the image of a brand new character in the superhero blockbuster, which has not yet appeared on the pages of comic books, but then still called the list of favorites: "Lex Luthor, although it played many times. I also offered to take on the role of Commissioner Gordon. Of course, for him I would have to create a completely new image. And Mister Sinister ... so that would be cool, "- Brian says.

  Indeed, in the form of Cranston Sinister / Nathaniel Essex would look awesome, but the actor, unfortunately, too late: supervillain appears in the upcoming trikvele "Wolverine" in the caste whose name is Brian does not appear. Although the role of the artist Mister Sinister has not yet been named, the likelihood that Cranston secretly starred in the role of the sinister scientist, incredibly small. It is hoped that sooner or later the studio bosses will find the actor in one of his superhero kinovselennyh.