Doctors banned from practicing in a bad mood

Strong emotions caused by, for example, stress or anger can not be mixed with hard training. Doctors warn: this is a dangerous combination that can undermine the health of the heart, passes Possible even a heart attack.

If a person trains, staying in the upset feelings attack risk jumps three times. Moreover, heart problems may make itself felt within an hour after your workout. By themselves, heavy physical exertion and stress can trigger a heart attack. Risk increased twice, even when only one of these factors is present.

Experts advise: in the background of emotional distress is better not to experiment with the load, keeping the usual routine (moderate load). This analysis proves more than 12,500 patients from 52 countries. All patients had in fact biographies heart attack. It turned out, exercise and stress can raise blood pressure and increase heart rate. And a person with cardiovascular problems (eg, narrowing of blood vessels and deposits on their walls), the probability of getting a heart attack as a result of training is extremely high.

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